Express Yourself
We offer unique, trendy, and exquisite frames! Come be a part of our optical experience by trying on our bespoke brands. Express yourself at Smart Specs Optical, inside the Eye & Laser Center.
We offer unique, trendy, and exquisite frames! Come be a part of our optical experience by trying on our bespoke brands. Express yourself at Smart Specs Optical, inside the Eye & Laser Center.
The warmer weather is a welcomed change after a winter with record snowfall. Unfortunately for individuals with allergies this is going to be a spring full of bloom and red itchy eyes. I suffer from bad allergies myself and I truly understand how uncomfortable allergies can be. The most common ocular allergies symptoms include redness,
The Most Common Ocular Allergies Symptoms, by Randy Wolfe, OD Read More »
David Spencer Eyewear is the ultimate style realization of a journey born in the heart of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The son of a successful optometrist, David has been surrounded by eyewear his entire life. He found his passion for eyewear design by owning and operating Specs, a high-end optical store on Hennepin Avenue, home of the
David Spencer Eyewear Read More »
Life will continue to give us new challenges as we get older. One of these difficult challenges is that our eyes lose the ability to focus on near objects. This makes reading small print impossible without help. The easiest solution to this problem is over the counter readers that are available at drug stores, grocery
What Over the Counter Readers should I purchase? Read More »
Changing seasons from spring to summer or fall to winter can bring new challenges and obstacles. Some of these obstacles can be adapting to changing weather. In dry weather, most people are very good at using lotion for dry, scaly skin and lip balm for chapped lips. Unfortunately, many individuals fail to protect their eyes
Dry Eye, by Randy Wolfe, OD Read More »
Many of us are required to take medications at one time or another in our lives. Compliance is an issue because we are human, and tend to forget what we are supposed to do. This can have damaging results, particularly to our eyes. One way to remember your pills or eye drops is to use
Strategies to Comply With Medications Read More »
We are excited to announce we have received our professional eyeglass UVC Cleaning unit! In one minute all frames are completely clean. Your safety is our top concern. We are by appointment only, so our patients stay safe. Call 928-773-7715 option 5, option 1, to make an appointment with our opticians.
Your Safety is Vital to Us Read More »
Did you know that even though you might have 20/20 vision, it is still important to have routine eye checkups? Routine eye exams look for more than just perfect vision. It is important to check for chronic dry eyes, allergy flare ups, cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal holes/tears and many other eye disorders and diseases.
March is Routine Vision Month Read More »
Did you know that ultra-violet (UV) light can have harmful effects not only on your skin but also on your eyes? These damaging rays can lead to skin cancer, premature cataract development, and even macular degeneration. Therefore, it is important to wear sunglasses that block out 90-100% of both UVA and UVB rays. Additionally, eyewear
Back in April, the FDA approved contact lenses with light adaptive technology (Transition coating). For those of you who may not know, Transition coatings for glasses enable the lenses to darken at outside and then lighten indoors. Thus, they “transition” from normal clear lenses to sunglasses once exposed to UV light from the sun. Many
Transition Contact Lenses, by Benjamin V. Clingan, OD Read More »