March is Routine Vision Month

Did you know that even though you might have 20/20 vision, it is still important to have routine eye checkups? Routine eye exams look for more than just perfect vision. It is important to check for chronic dry eyes, allergy flare ups, cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal holes/tears and many other eye disorders and diseases.

When you visit your eyecare provider, what should you expect during your routine eye exam? The following eight tests would be considered routine. There are many additional tests that can be performed if needed.

1. Visual Acuity Check: a test to determine your level of vision with and/or without correction (glasses or contacts). This is performed on both your right and left eyes individually as well as both eyes together. It should be checked at both distance and near.

2. Visual Field Testing: a screening test that is used to determine the extent of your peripheral vision. Various eye diseases and neurological conditions can have a critical effect on your peripheral vision. Additional testing may be done if abnormalities are found.

3. Motility Testing: looks at how each muscle in the eye works in order to look up, down and side-to-side. In addition, we check to see how the eyes work together in order to see one clear image.

4. Pupillary Reaction Testing: a screening that looks at how responsive your pupils are to light.

5. Refraction: a series of lens options that we show you to help determine your most accurate glasses and/or contact lens prescription.

6. Intraocular Pressure Test: an important screening for certain types of glaucoma and inflammation. Some people dislike the dreaded puff of air test, but our office utilizes a newer method that is non-invasive and painless.

7. Slit Lamp Testing: a way for the doctor to look at the overall health of the anterior segment of your eye as well as your eyelids and eyelashes.

8. Dilation: screens for the health inside the eye. We use an eye drop to increase the size of your pupil to allow us to see inside the eye itself. We check for cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic changes, blood pressure changes, as well as many other eye conditions. Dilation causes you to have blurry vision up close and light sensitivity typically for 4-6 hours. We recommend that you wear sunglasses home.

Call The Eye & Laser Center today at 928-779-7000 to schedule your next routine eye exam.

– Lexi Kortsen, O.D.

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