I am sure all of us don’t go about our daily lives trying to make our eyes unhealthy.  We live in a health-conscious society and we are focused on living each day better than the last.  So, what can we do to make our eyes healthier?

As a holistic approach, living a balanced and healthy life will, in turn, lead to balanced and healthy eyes.  Eat right, exercise, get plenty of sleep, etc.  Many of the causes of ocular related disease are directly related to systemic disease.  Diabetes and high blood pressure, if left unchecked, can lead to hemorrhaging in the eye, which leads to swelling of the retina, and ultimately which can lead to blindness.  In fact, diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in the United States.

A poor diet may also help Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) progress at a faster rate.  The vitamins for ARMD (AREDS 2 formula) are found naturally in leafy green vegetables, carrots, and fish.  Now, if you have been prescribed the vitamins don’t just stop them and start a new diet alone without consulting your eye care provider.  However, there is some evidence to show that certain groups of people with different diets, than say the western civilization equivalent of McDonalds on a daily basis, rarely get diagnosed with ARMD or many other common diseases.

So, right now you are thinking, “Alright I get it, but what can I do specifically for my eyes to make them healthier?”  Well, it starts with a routine eye exam.  Based on your refractive error (glasses prescription), family history, profession, and hobbies we can help you get the maximum benefit/enjoyment with glasses or contacts.  Also, we can explain any risk of eye disease or injury and formulate a plan to slow the progression or prevent that disease/injury.

If you are due for an exam just let us know, and we can get you scheduled very soon.  Next post we will go over a few tips specifically for the eyes.

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